
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Indianized Vegetable Pasta

I love pasta!!! Every time I taste pasta in restaurants, like most of us, I do add more salt n pepper and try to make it taste better because usually pasta here is very bland. But the sauce and the cheese they use add a different flavor to it.

I wanted to make pasta with an extra spice in it. Basically Indianized Pasta!!! My key ingredients to make this pasta Indianized are lots of chillies, garlic, ginger and coriander seeds. Most important tip while cooking pasta is cook pasta separately in boiling water with salt and oil in it. Add more oil and mix it well; otherwise pasta will be sticking to each other and it will be a big mess, which I had experienced, while I was cooking pasta for the first time. ;)


1 cup thinly sliced carrots
1 cup thinly sliced beans
1 cup thinly sliced tomatoes
1 cup thinly sliced potatoes
1 cup thinly sliced cabbage
1 cup thinly sliced onions
1 cup long sprouts
1 cup thinly sliced bell pepper (Optional)
1 cup peas
3 to 4 green chilies
3 teaspoons of olive oil
2 teaspoons of thinly sliced garlic
2 teaspoons of grated ginger
1/2 teaspoon of crushed coriander seeds
1 cup of Ragu Chunky Pasta Sauce (I used tomato, garlic and onion flavor)
1 teaspoons of salt
1/2 packet of pasta

-Cook pasta separately in boiling water for 10 minutes, add little salt and one spoon of olive oil while it is cooking.
-Drain the water completely, then add more olive oil and mix it well, so that pasta doesn’t stick to each other.
-Cook all the veggies in microwave for 5 minutes and keep it aside (Don’t over cook)
-Heat a pan and add oil. Add garlic, ginger, green chilies and crushed coriander seeds. Add tomatoes and onions. Roast it until you get nice aroma for 2 minutes.
-Now add all the veggies and fry them for 5- 6 minutes.
-Add cooked pasta, Ragu pasta sauce, and salt and mix it well with the veggies.

Serve it hot with potato chips.


  1. This looks very healthy and yummy to me. Going to try it this weekend.

  2. Looks delicious.. will be trying it tomorrow.. Got a packet of pasta yesterday and did'nt know how to make it spicy and tasty... This recipe is a saviour! :)
