
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Colorful Silky Sunset

After two months of effort put forth in the workshops and painting classes, I decided to make something really nice and memorable painting that I could present V. This was a big challenge for me as his birthday was coming up in two weeks and I had only two sittings to finish and let it dry.
Well it wasn’t easy for me to gather my imagination of colors that would blend in my canvas and dreaming of V saying ” wow” :). I finally made up mind on painting a “sunset” with bright colors. I must acknowledge my teacher “Rocky” for her patience in guiding me with this painting.
V had no clue what was coming on his birthday. He never celebrated his birthday. But now it is different :). This was his surprise gift. So I had to hide this 24’’x36’’ painting in one of my friend’s(H) place. She helped me drying and gift-wrapping the canvas.
Was it all worth!!! Yes it was :) V was delighted to see the painting and he did say “ Awesome”
You all can have a look at it and tell me how you like it!!!

Oil on canvas


  1. Beautiful Painting.... I loved the colors....

  2. Way to go girl!! I love the lay-out and the pictures.....over-all quite creative I think :-)

    You know my favorite is the sunset...although the "Bay in Twilight" is a close second!

  3. excellant work on canvas.

    colors r beautiful

  4. Sushma.. you should sell your paintings. Excellent job.

  5. Hey, the title of the post is very interesting.
    The colour scheme is very beautiful. Your husband must be proud of you for having made such a wonderful painting.

  6. Ohhh wow .. beautiful painting ... Two sittings to finish this - impressive !!
